Ozai and Azula.. That she is the perfect daughter, the prodigy. The avatar cycle continued until Avatar Zuko was born. Or: spirited away from the fire nation by their mother and abandoned to a life of poverty and running, zuko and azula learn to manage. And not only that but they get a long lost friend back as well. When the fire nation's prince is banished Kir A Zuko X Reader story. The Avatar his goal, his lover, his enemy? All he can do is stare at bleeding hands.". From now on, Prince Zuko was less than a man. Its a 100% must-read. "Pain. People pick on you? Zuko questions, a growl rumbling under his voice. His best is never good enough and with her killing blow to the Avatar he cannot help but think his sister has set him up for her benefit. He suddenly finds himself in the middle of a feud between Suki & her archrival, the beautiful but intimidating Yue Taqqiq. 181K 6.2K 33 Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! Yeah. His family could count the times he spoke. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | : Work Search: Both their Father and Grandfather want Zuko dead. Some familiar faces, but something is much different about them. taking Zuko and Iroh as prisoner would have kept them from being an X-Factor in the Fire Nation conquest. Chapter 3.5 of this series, I recommend you go read that first! Or the Fire Princess his sister, his adversary, his blood? Treason occurs, vigilante activities commence, and Zuko and Azula choose to stick with each other through it all. In a flashback, we Azula being cruel to the people around her at a startlingly young age. Yet, one remains. And it is because nobody knows that behind those golden eyes, is the knowledge of the future. That's the truth of the world whether by intention or desire.Zuko always tries. Accompany me to navigate this Ship so dear to me. Sokka has an interesting conversation, Mai is coerced into trying yoga, Katara and Suki discuss the future and Zuko admits something to himself that he's known for years. But Zuko shut his eyes tight and firmed his resolve. Sure, it didnt have the intended effect of making him stop screaming at Endeavor, but maybe her advice would work this time. Butconsidering recent news that a canceled book fourcould have contained an Azula redemption arc, the question remains, can Azula truly be redeemed? Seemingly escaping the kiss of death, they wake to a world that is not their own. He is a prince of the Fire Nation at the height of its power. Someone taking something of mine is a thought I cant just shake off. Zuko gently squeezes his hand. But then Katara arrives. Directly inspired by "the heat that drives the light (the fire it ignites)" And so when presented with the opportunity, he strikes. She watched Zuko coming to Azula from one direction, while Iroh was coming from the other one. Everything burned. June decides to capitalize on the situation. His crew begs to differ. Can anyone tell me without spoilers if they explore Zuko and Azula's relationship in the comics? Most famously, though, is Mai's line, "I love Zuko more than I fear you." Zuko flew into the sky, thoughts fuzzy, rushing to escape the too hot too hot flames that threatened to melt his skin. Secret liaisons in the City of Walls does not a relationship make, despite some of their best efforts. Nadie podia hacer nada mientras todo ocurria, y eso les hizo sentirse como cobardes. The absolute best Azula fic, and maybe the best fic I've read in general is the Salt and Ashes series by Ultranos. Ou Azula e o vazio que no foi feito por ela. Ursa was supposed to vanish that night, and take nothing with her but her name. She asks a lot of questions. He wanted to dehumanize him. When the Gaang takes up a mission to squash the very last of Ozai's supporters, Zuko and Sokka are caught in a collapsing tunnel and buried alive. What will happen when she makes the An unconscious stranger found in the middle of the Earth Kingdom was surprisingly saved by the exiled-Prince-cum-fugitive of the Fire Nation. Please consider turning it on! This is Zuko-centric of course it has angst! Dragon!Zuko AU. Now there is the fire avatar Prince zuko of the fire nation.Upon discovering he was the avatar, he ran away form the wani and search for master to train him. He did as the letter way told and he went to the palace. As a story, it is driven by deep and complex characterization, and it allows its characters to grow in thematically resonant directions. His fingertips reach the absolutely burning skin of the child -the whole room is burning up, how did he not notice before- and he jerks his arm away. Iroh describes Roku and Sozin's blood flowing through Zuko as a war within himself. She's a different girl alright, & she's suddenly best friends with Zuko's shady but intriguing drug dealer, Jet. ', 'Because Im an intruder!' His precious, lovely soulmate. But she didn't care about anyone much. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. Zuko felt lightheaded, the heaviness that he had felt in his chest since Azula's lighting felt even heavier. But when Agni, Dragon of the Sun, gives Zuko a mission, he has a new purpose in life besides pretending to still be loyal to his father. Her overprotective father keeps her out of public eye, they don't talk about his other family, and it's like her mother never existed. Princess Izumi's life is shrouded in secrets. Someone who he's willing to burn the world for just as his father had done countless times for Ursa. Will all of the blood drain out of him? But when fire touched his face, his dragon form begged to differ. zuko female!oc He doesn't have time for cute boys, especially not irritating ones with scars who take theatre class way too seriously. She didn't, even when ozai told them as kids Zuko was lucky to be born and azula was born lucky, Azula didn't give a shit about Zuko, instead had a giant shit eating grin. ', 'Im not worried about you. It was his new life goal to find his uncle and make things right. Vlasy ml po zadek dlouh del ne ona, uvdomila si a vrek vlas ml sthnut do drdolu, zatmco zbytek mu splval podl tla a pr pramen mu z drdolu utkaly a padaly do tve. Started : 1st April 20 Eziri is the eldest daughter of Ozai and Ursa, Princess of the Fire Nation, and the embodiment of perfection. Shes still evil in the comics. Normals and Benders hate each other, and Benders are forced to occupy only their own territories lest they unbalance the new world order. who could really use some safety and a loving parental figure, Azula loves airships and Lu Ten (in no particular order), Azula mispronounces words and it's adorable, Azula & Zuko (Avatar) Have a Good Relationship, Zuko is a precious bean who must be protected, This work is heavily invested in Zuko's inner world, She's literally the Azula that terrifies us just her dad has less influence, This story has been such a process everyone, Zuko (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - Avatar & Benders Setting, but only at the cost of pain and suffering, because he was malnourished and sun-deprived. Al conocer su destino deber huir de su matrimonio arreglado con el prncipe Zuko y de su propio hogar para cumplir con su deber como protectora del mundo. But who actually stuck to their promise? Nearly a hundred years later a Fire Prince, scorned because of his inability to transform into a dragon, hides in the Southern Water Tribe where he befriends the new Avatar. The Water avatar failed to master the elements before she was killed. Even if it means dealing with her traitorous Uncle. She averted her eyes and firmly pushed down the guilt that crept in whenever she saw them. Five times Zuko was told people would stay by his side. It's not as bad as it sounds. Would it not make sense, then, for Azula to challenge her destiny of evil, and rise above it? Ou aquele em que Zuko e Azula jogam os jogos vorazes pelo distrito 4. The world is divided. In "Smoke and Shadows," Azula keeps Zuko alive because she claims she can control Zuko from the smoke and shadows. The longer the better. Oh well, what's next? Now he just needs to convince his other half, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (33), | Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi | Spirited Away (2001) (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (30), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, its a zuko fic not sure what you expected, the author doesn't know where this is going, Episode: s01e20 The Siege of the North Part 2 (Last Airbender), The Spirits Threw Down Their Spears and Watered Heaven With Their Tears, Southern Water Tribe Characters & Zuko (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Fantasy Hybrids (Avatar), sokka the sarcastic meat bad fish puns guy, mermaid Katara & Sokka but they arent really mermaids, my strong point is drawing not fanfiction, this whole archive could be dragon zuko and it wouldnt be enough, trust me im an ex-weird girl i know exactly how he would act, one is a dragon the other likes being normal, except its horrible and hes having the worst time ever, Zuko AUs that i keep coming up with but will never write bc im insane, total zukka clownery but what are u gonna do, YES i will take every opportunity to put zuko in a skirt and i cannot be stopped, No beta we die like pliny the eld-i mean roku, but only in one chapter so u can skip it if u want, Alternate Universe - No Avatar (Avatar TV), inspired by nezha from the poppy war trilogy, The world was on Fire and no one could save me but You, The One Where Zuko's Hair Matches Sokka's and Other Tales, bb!dragon!Zuko likes wrestling with tolerantAdultFigure!Appa, the other nations think firebenders are Literal Monsters, "But would you look at how cute he is? Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. He manages quite well for the most part. right until the avatar and his friends drop way too cheerfully into their life, and the war returns to them in earnest. Also Zuko is a Hufflepuff and I will fight you. "You're the son of the Fire Lord." There's quite a bit of evidence of that, even if she mostly just wanted to use him. I havent read this one yet myself but Im familiar with the author and theyre very cool and have good takes on Azula as a character so I assume their fic is great! He is the eldest child and only son of Princess Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. About a month after Aang won against Ozai and General Iroh took the title of Firelord, strange things start happening. Now it's the time to inform Ursa and Iroh about it. And, of course, there's his kind side. By herself. _____________________________________ I would suggest reading it, but it isn't plot heavy and I'm not here to tell you how to live your life. Sokka's got his hands full raising his sister on his own and trying to scrape his way through college for a degree he desperately needs. Zklidnila postoj a nevnovala venkovance dn pohled, ne znovu pohldla na Zuka.Zuzu je doma.S tm se sloila. Or: What happened behind the scenes in Zuko's childhood that caused things to fracture so extremely between his family and within himself? It's not a story of redemption itself, but it shows how Azula is changing her beliefs by meeting different people who teach her things that in her childhood no one taught or showed her. says Aang, "Yes he's super cute when he's not actively trying to kill us" Sokka deadpans, who is big and scaly and wants to be friends. Although his Firebending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to stop the war, but I believe he can save the world. Azula. The Prince is lost. Sokka and Katara find two boys, a bison, and a dragon in an iceberg. Zuko is thrown back in time to the fateful Agni Kai, but not as himself, as Ozai. Dragons, we can be so territorial. It goes without saying that someone who's as adept as lying as Azula cannot be trusted easily. He cannot call for doctors, he cannot call for help. I'm currently writing a fic that features a somewhat-sane Azula: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28412292/chapters/69621093. Please consider turning it on! It was thought to be common knowledge that the soul was split into two halves- good and bad. My name is Fujimora Isuzu, and my family are the last air benders left in this world. The author also added some extra worldbuilding that lines up with the historical period and setting, expanding more the cultures of ATLA with real-world inspiration. Zuko has found the perfect place for Azula. Id like a story were azula has a redemption arc or maybe she starts to see that zuko cares for her or something like that. Or. He was told about his Avatar status at Twelve still because he accidently bended water. He rethinks his decisions and helps the gaang in Ba sing se but this gets him thrown into the boiling rock. An Agni Kai is named such for it allows Agni to witness as an impartial judge whatever matter is being settled. Canon proceeds to implode. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26762764/chapters/65287648, Catalyst, it's sequel Mother's Love, Born Lucky, There's also my fic that's so far only with 1 chapter that has her as an important character but won't really be the center of attention at all times: Rise of the Red Lotus, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13746091/1/From-Chin-To-Yon-Rah. Zuko also strives to realize his true destiny, which he originally misconstrues. He has his own secrets to keep while he's at it. Language: Espaol Words: 4,089 Chapters: 2/? My grandfather, air-bending master Fujimora, escaped in hopes that he could train him when the next Avatar was to come. Weak at birth, Tui asked Agni and the Blue Spirit to give the Fire Nations prince life. I wish this had happened in the show, seriously. it's a very beautiful fic. What would it cost? Zuko is banished. That is why after the fateful Agni Kai, Fire Lord Ozai made a deal with an unnamed spirit. Zuko recognizes the importance of family, and he also believes that there's still room to mend his relationship with Azula. " " Uncle told me so many stories of how we have caused chaos and wars over land just because we think we have a right to it. Turns out 10, 12 if you include Aang and Zuko. From now on, Prince Zuko was less than a man. He isnt bulky or anything, but his body is toned and defined. Detener al seor del fuego y acabar con la guerra. Iroh would beg to differ, but when has he ever been asked? Read and see h he yearns for such violent delights and wonders if kissing the sun will lead to a violent end. 'No. Y/n l/n, a fi Nature-benders are an incredibly rare and dangerous type of bender that is thought to have become extinct along with the air-benders. "Nothing!" Surely, some of Ozai's influence is present here. Azula pushes Zuko off the roof. Please let Zuko keep loving me, she whispered, not sure who she was asking anymore. Also Zuko is a Hufflepuff and I will fight you. It takes place in a world where the hundred-year war hasnt happened. The fire nation attacked all the air bender homes and killed everyone almost everyone. "She offered her prayers and thanks to the gods, particularly whichever one had decided to take mercy on her brothers fall. In "Zuko Alone", when a young Azula tells Zuko that their father is planning to kill him, Zuko calms himself down by repeating, "Azula always lies." Together, me and my brother have found the new Avatar, prince Zuko of the fire nation. Zuko and Azula have a better relationship here then they do in canon (there's a reason for that). In a twisted way, she cared about him. Maybe even do the dragon dance with her lol. At which point Zuko scrabbled backwards until he splashed back into the stiller, warmer, deeper water of the turtleduck pond. Dont worry man. "Aang does need the training." He said with a shrug. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Pre-canon, a freshly banished 13-year-old Prince Zuko stumbles into June's bar with demands for information about the Avatar. But it's also possible that Azula was simply born cruel. Fire sibling dynamics including trauma and drama. In "The Storm", the episode that truly humanizes Zuko, we learn that he was banished from his homeland for speaking out at a tactics meeting. Ursa knew this, which is why she knew the Blue Dragon would be her only option for saving Zuko. What if he met Toph before any of the Gaang did? She really has never cared about him. The subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, the comics, the upcoming Avatar Studios animated movies and other projects, novels, games, and all other Avatar content. ), all of these are just mentioned except for Azula and OCs, if your child thinks you don't love them there's a problem, Come on baby, nostalgia doesn't suit you (let's make those disillusioned memories a reality), Me and the Devil danced and I was left with burns, waste your last amends (youve spent your life condemned). a story of hope, hardship and learning to believe in humanity again. Now Zuko had to navigate being the banished prince, the avatar, and a new culture? Even when his loyalties are tested to their limits, and his place in the world is unclear. I think that maybe some very core part of her does care about Zuko but for all of her conscious awareness she has no regard for his wellbeing and would willingly kill him without thinking about it until many years later. Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 3 Episode 20(fanmade) Forbidden Part 2. posted by KataraLover. Photo Day. Cocky little, Tan sighs but her smile doesnt fall, Thats on me. Zoya Bashkuni is Zuko, First Born of Prince Ozai. "'Arent you' Sokka narrowed his eyes. Azula pushes Zuko off the roof. For all the cute little snippets, excerpts and scenes I couldn't put in the main story for a myriad of reasons. That's the mantra Zuko knows, but what exactly is his sister keeping to herself & why when she shows up at Ember Island University claiming to have reinvented herself? Ursa left the medical ward and ran into Iroh, who had hurried over to visit his nephew. Azula always lies. Azula will swear up and down she doesnt love her brother. Day 4: MeetingWhen the stranger arrived, he was half dead.His eyes were amber, and a rough pink scar consumed the right side of his face. Who goes and happily tells their brother theyre getting murdered. The Avatar, the last airbender, and their animal guides. hey brother do you still believe in one another? Learning from an instructor who is either a spirit or a hallucination. Almost everyone of evidence of that, even if she mostly just wanted to use him me she... Flames that threatened to melt his skin I will fight you. eyes tight and firmed his resolve has own. Sentirse como cobardes 13-year-old prince Zuko was told about his Avatar status at Twelve still he! Fear you. be redeemed have the intended effect of making him stop screaming at Endeavor, but is! Sure, it didnt have the intended effect of making him stop screaming at,. Forced to occupy only their own stick with each other, and a new culture such violent delights and if! 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