This meant the data "cannot be appropriately combined to provide a comprehensive and accurate view of news consumption across all platforms". [72] In a later interview in July 2006, when he was asked what he thought of the Conservative leader, Murdoch replied "Not much". ", "Rupert Murdoch wants Romney to win despite criticisms", "U.S. Could Use a 'Real Black President,' Murdoch Says", "Rupert Murdoch sorry for 'real black president' tweet BBC News", "Murdoch and Trump, An Alliance of Mutual Interest -National Public Radio", Prince Mohammed books out hotel to dine with Murdoch, 11 December 2007 "The Murdochs and the Middle East", "Media Magnate Rupert Murdoch, Accepting ADL Award, Calls For An End Of Efforts To Isolate Israel", "Accepting ADL Award, Murdoch Decries 'Ongoing War Against Jews', "Fox has no problem with Tucker Carlson's 'replacement theory' remarks, says Lachlan Murdoch", "Rupert Murdoch says Fox News hosts endorsed false election fraud claims", "Murdoch Acknowledges Fox News Hosts Endorsed Election Fraud Falsehoods", "Kuok to Pay $350 Million For Stake in Morning Post", "NEWS CORPORATION BUYS STAKE IN HONG KONG TV COMPANY", News Corporation Restructures Broadcast Businesses in Asia, "Rupert Murdoch lowers price of Centre Island home", Rupert Murdoch buys Moraga Vineyards estate in Bel Air, Rupert Murdoch Has Just Bought A Vineyard, "Chateau Murdoch: Fox media mogul finds solace at his Bel-Air winery", "Magnificent home fit for model and media mogul", "Rupert Murdoch receives dose of Covid vaccine in UK", "So where does Rupert Murdoch go from here? Rupert Murdoch's 20th Century Fox bought out the remaining assets of Four Star Television from Ronald Perelman's Compact Video in 1996. [47] Ownership of The Times came to him through his relationship with Lord Thomson, who had grown tired of losing money on it as a result of an extended period of industrial action that stopped publication. Its radio investments are comparatively small compared to those in print, for example, in a market where ownership is relativelymore diverse. Murdoch . Voting rights in the stock are divided 50/50 between Murdoch on the one side and his children of his first two marriages. In 2020, the University of Canberra's News & Media Research Centre reported that just 25 per cent of news consumers got their news from a newspaper. Given the concern of Mr Rudd and Mr Turnbullabout News Corp's impact on Australian democracy, as opposed to its commercial success, this analysis has also focused on audiences rather than revenue. The Daily Telegraph front page, 5 August 2013. Ownership has been the traditional measure for media diversity in Australia, but it is not the only one. [165], In 1993, News Corporation acquired Star TV (renamed as Star in 2001), a Hong Kong company headed by Richard Li,[165] from Hutchison Whampoa for $1billion (Souchou, 2000:28), and subsequently set up offices for it throughout Asia. Outside the capital cities, daily publications provide competition in some regional cities. Passing the million mark is a notable but by no means unique achievement, with Daily Mail Australia commanding nearly five million followers, and ABC News roughly 4.3 million. Without hesitating, Murdoch replied, "Yeah. [141], Murdoch was reported in 2011 as advocating more open immigration policies in western nations generally. [79] It was also reported that Murdoch had given Cameron a personal guarantee that there would be no risk attached to hiring Andy Coulson, the former editor of News of the World, as the Conservative Party's communication director in 2007. A 2016 study found that Australia has some of the most concentrated media in the world, largely due to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp ,which controlled 57% of the market by circulation at the time. News Australia and Fairfax Media own these newspapers, with the exception of The West Australian, which is owned by Seven West Media. In information it provides to advertisers, News Corp says it reaches 16 million Australians each month across its news outlets. Roy Morgan and emma, a Nielsen-Ipsos joint venture, both survey Australians to ask what they are reading. Rupert Murdoch's backing of Whitlam turned out to be brief. [181], On 25 June 1999, 17 days after divorcing his second wife, Murdoch, then aged 68, married Chinese-born Wendi Deng. "[Murdoch] guaranteed that editors would have control of the political policy of their newspapers that the editors would not be subject to instruction from the proprietor on selection and balance of news and opinion that instructions to journalists would be given only by their editor". And it runs Australias second-biggest digital website,, according to August figures from measurement provider Nielsen. It was the beginning of a long campaign that served McEwen well. [clarification needed] He worked part-time at the Melbourne Herald and was groomed by his father to take over the family business. Read more explainers here. It owns a 50% stake in the Premier Media Group, which . [7][8] On 21 July 2012, Murdoch resigned as a director of News International. ARN stations topped the rankings in Adelaide and Melbourne, while Nova took out first place in Sydney and Brisbane and the Nova-ARN joint venture ranked first in Perth. This includes Fox News, of which Murdoch was acting CEO from 2016 until 2019, following the resignation of Roger Ailes due to accusations of sexual harassment. From 1986, News Corporation's annual tax bill averaged around seven percent of its profits. Mr Rudd's campaign took particular issue with Mr Murdoch's print newspapers. That compares with 12.1 million across Nine Entertainment's three mastheads. [184][185] On 13 June 2013, a News Corporation spokesperson confirmed that Murdoch filed for divorce from Deng in New York City, US. But few consumers realize today how expansive his empire has become. Given the focus by Mr Rudd and Mr TurnbullonAustralian democracy, this analysis is limited to the coverage of news and current affairs inAustralia. Figures for separate channels cannot be combined to produce an overall figure. He is closer to the mark on the circulation of News Corp Australia's capital city and daily newspaper titles. [134] In a 2008 interview with Walt Mossberg, Murdoch was asked whether he had "anything to do with the New York Post's endorsement of Barack Obama in the democratic primaries". [39], After McEwen and Menzies retired, Murdoch threw his growing power behind the Australian Labor Party under the leadership of Gough Whitlam and duly saw it elected[40] on a social platform that included universal free health care, free education for all Australians to tertiary level, recognition of the People's Republic of China, and public ownership of Australia's oil, gas and mineral resources. No offence meant. Key Takeaways. New York, November 2001)[28] and Chloe (b. Those brands include, which ranked equal first with ABC News and was accessed by 23 per cent of Australian news consumers surveyed. In January 1964, while touring New Zealand with friends in a rented Morris Minor after sailing across the Tasman, Murdoch read of a takeover bid for the Wellington paper by the British-based Canadian newspaper magnate Lord Thomson of Fleet. Its subscriber base began to pull ahead of Channel 7 and Channel 9 from mid-2020, and by March 2021 Sky had overtaken ABC News. Importantly, people who read multiple papers will be counted more than once in these totals. Nine Entertainment's combined print-only readership was a much smaller 0.8 million to 1.2 million. For a while the American cable television entrepreneur John Malone was the second-largest voting shareholder in News Corporation after Murdoch himself, potentially undermining the family's control. In December 2020, News Corp's news websites collectively reached 1.2 million fewer readers than those owned by Nine Entertainment. QUT Professor Jean Burgess told Fact Check that the policy "means that simply by virtue of owning a large number of media outlets, it is possible that Murdoch outlets will have an outsized influence on an Australian consumer's access to media on controversial topics via YouTube". [38], Murdoch found a political ally in Sir John McEwen, leader of the Australian Country Party (now known as the National Party of Australia), who was governing in coalition with the larger Menzies-Holt-Gorton Liberal Party. Importantly, though, online sources include the websites and apps of traditional newspapers. [77] Cameron declared in the Commons register of interests he accepted a private plane provided by Murdoch's son-in-law, public relations guru Matthew Freud; Cameron did not reveal his talks with Murdoch. Davis later backed out of a deal with Murdoch to purchase John Kluge's Metromedia television stations. The data shows News Corp websites collectively reached 12.1 million individual people in December 2020, which was lower than Nine Entertainment's 13.3 million people. [9][10], Many of Murdoch's papers and television channels have been accused of biased and misleading coverage to support his business interests[11][12][13] and political allies,[14][15][16] and some have credited his influence with major political developments in the UK, US, and Australia. So, how dominant are News Corp newspapers? A native of Australia, Murdoch inherited a newspaper at age 22 after his father, a former war correspondent, passed away. [99], On 27 February 2012, the day after the first issue of The Sun on Sunday was published, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers informed the Leveson Inquiry that police are investigating a "network of corrupt officials" as part of their inquiries into phone hacking and police corruption. A judge ruled the then Prime Minister's media arm Mediaset prevented News Corporation's Italian unit, Sky Italia, from buying advertisements on its television networks. Rupert Murdoch owns 150 newspapers in Australia, three national newspapers in the United Kingdom and the Wall Street Journal and New York Post in the U.S., Voice of America reported in 2011. But that says nothing of the internet, where far more people get their news. I want to see if he will walk the walk. The West Australian was owned by the publicly listed company West Australian Newspapers from the 1920s. Soon afterwards, he founded Star, a supermarket tabloid, and in 1976, he purchased the New York Post. [174], In 1956, Murdoch married Patricia Booker, a former shop assistant and flight attendant from Melbourne; the couple had their only child, Prudence, in 1958. Rupert Murdoch inherited a chain of Australian newspapers following the death of his father in 1952. [75] Despite this, there had already been a convergence of interests between the two men over the muting of Britain's communications regulator Ofcom. Rudd's push is the latest to raise questions about the influence the Murdoch family has over the public and politicians in Australia. His son Lachlan, who is co-chair of News Corp and runs the familys other US-focused business, Fox Corp, is said to share a similar world view. Fearlessly follow the facts no matter where they lead. Kevin Rudds claim that Rupert Murdoch owns 70% of the newspapers in this country is false. Nationally, Sky News Live reached an average of 791,000 viewers per week, in households with pay TV. It is Murdoch's stated desire to have his children by Deng given a measure of control over the stock proportional to their financial interest in it (which would mean, if Murdoch dies while at least one of the children is a minor, that Deng would exercise that control). An International Media Concentration Research Project, led by Professor Eli Noam of Columbia University, found that Australian newspaper circulation was the most concentrated of 26 countries surveyed, and among the most concentrated in the democratic world. Trump, Murdoch and his then-wife Jerry Hall are . However, they *do* own Sky News (aka the Australian equivalent of Fox News) and they have a 65% stake in Foxtel and its. Murdoch sold the house to his son James in 2018.[108]. print or broadcast. The mogul created the American tabloid The Star in 1974 before purchasing the New York Post in 1976. Finally, there is the issue, beyond the scope of this fact file, of how reach within a particular geography might translate to political power at the local or national level. Later, the Bancroft family confirmed a willingness to consider a sale. But, after divorcing Pianim in 1998 and quarrelling publicly with her assigned mentor Sam Chisholm at BSkyB, she struck out on her own as a television and film producer in London. The other caveat about News Corp's reach is the conversation tends to be shaped by its print dominance. [31] Murdoch completed an MA before working as a sub-editor with the Daily Express for two years. Fact Check has limited its analysis of Australian YouTube accounts to major digital-only and television news producers, due to the platform's focus on video. Please include the statement you would like us to check, the date it was made, and a link if possible. The Conservatives did not disclose what was discussed. McKnight, David. In Australia, he owns 14 of 21 metropolitan daily and weekend newspapers, plus radio stations, TV channel Sky News Australia and top-read site [95][96], On 15 July, Murdoch attended a private meeting in London with the family of Milly Dowler, where he personally apologized for the hacking of their murdered daughter's voicemail by a company he owns. Coming in behind ABC News (11.4 million) and (10.7 million), this was one of only two News Corp sites to make the top 10. Before the internet, moguls such as Rupert Murdoch dominated the media landscape. [176][177] It was revealed in September 2011 that Tony Blair is Grace's godfather. How did Rupert Murdoch get so rich? Murdoch shuts 112 Australia print newspapers The Murdoch family is led by Australian-American billionaire Rupert Murdoch, who is 89 years old. ", "The merry wives of Rupert Murdoch: who has the tycoon been wed to before? It found that the most popular online sources particularly for news about local affairs, crime, and politics were the websites and apps of traditional newspapers and broadcasters. Despite efforts, Rupert Murdoch was unsuccessful and News Corp has not gained much from this change. According to the Finkelstein Review of Media and Media Regulation, in 2011 News Corp Australia (then News Limited) accounted for 23% of the newspaper titles in Australia. News Corp Australasia executive chairman Michael Millertold the inquiry this overstated the company's power, noting that Labor won Queensland's last state election, despite News Corp's Courier Mail pushing for a change of government. Kevin Rudd's claim that Rupert Murdoch "owns 70% of the newspapers in this country" is false. It's worth reiterating that the data does not show whether it is Australians watching, and therefore whether this has any bearing on Australian democracy. Rupert Murdoch before his wedding to Jerry Hall in 2016 with sons Lachlan (left) and James.Credit:Getty Images. What does Rupert Murdoch own? Fox News FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to breaking news, politics, and business. Meanwhile, more than half got their daily news from television (52 per cent) or online news and social media (51 per cent). Many on the political left in Britain alleged the collusion of Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government with Murdoch in the Wapping affair, as a way of damaging the British trade union movement. The Partnership's immigration policy prescriptions are notably similar to those of the Cato Institute and the US Chamber of Commerce both of which Murdoch has supported in the past. On the other hand, in an era where there are more local and international online sources of news and many consumers get their news via Google and Facebook, can a traditional media company really shape public opinion to the extent that News Corps critics believe? News Corp owns a roughly 15 per cent stake in HT&E, whose subsidiary Australian Radio Network operates several networks, including KIIS, Pure Gold and The Edge. This put slightly higher, in second place, while the Herald Sun dropped out of the top ten. Newspapers combine news reporting with commentary and analysis and this is often the sticking point among News Corps critics. In the 1950s and 1960s, Murdoch acquired a number of newspapers in Australia and New Zealand before expanding into the United Kingdom in 1969, taking over the News of the World, followed closely by The Sun. [130][131], McKnight (2010) identifies four characteristics of his media operations: free market ideology; unified positions on matters of public policy; global editorial meetings; and opposition to liberal bias in other public media. [182] She was 30, a recent Yale School of Management graduate, and a newly appointed vice-president of his STAR TV. ", "Pope Honors Rupert Murdoch, Roy Disney, Bob Hope", "Murdoch's Heir Apparent Abruptly Resigns His Post", "The Most Powerful Grandparents in the U.S.", "An Aussie MP says the Chinese government are", "Rupert Murdoch files for divorce from Wendi Deng", "Rupert Murdoch files for divorce from wife Wendi Deng", "News Corp's Rupert Murdoch files for divorce from wife Wendi", Life after power: The loneliness of Tony Blair, "Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall announce engagement", "Rupert Murdoch marries Jerry Hall in London", "Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall set to divorce report", "Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall to divorce after six years", "Jerry Hall files for divorce from Rupert Murdoch in US court", "Billionaire Rupert Murdoch, Jerry Hall finalize divorce but 'remain good friends', "Phone hacking: Rupert Murdoch's media empire explodes", "Inside the court of London's golden couple", "The Murdoch family's $US71 billion peace treaty", "Tony Blair is godfather to Rupert Murdoch's daughter", "Wife and Ex-Wife Now Shape News Corp.'s Fate", "Hear Nickelback's Unique Cover of Don Henley's 'Dirty Laundry', "Airing Don Henley's "Dirty Laundry" on His 64th Birthday", "Some 'Chimp Channel' Segments Descend From Classics", "Another film joins the political debate today when Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism is unveiled in New York", "Ron Burgundy, Still A Legend In His Own Tiny Mind", "Dunbar by Edward St Aubyn 'King Lear' with added gall", "HBO's Succession Holds a Mirror Up to the Trumps, Kushners, and Murdochs",, "FactCheck: does Murdoch own 70% of newspapers in Australia? They divorced in June 1999. [5], Following his father's death, when he was 21, Murdoch returned from Oxford to take charge of what was left of the family business. News Corp critics say owning the majority of Australias newspaper industry allows the Murdoch family to push their views out into the world, to mislead the public and ultimately shift perceptions of politicians and issues. [192][193] Hall filed for divorce on 1 July 2022 citing irreconcilable differences;[194] the divorce was finalised in August 2022. Yet another approach is to consider geography, and assess competition in terms of local, regional, national and international news. The closeness of his relationship with Blair and their secret meetings to discuss national policies was to become a political issue in Britain. The family's $18.5 billion fortune, per Forbes, dates back to a chain of Australian newspapers that Rupert Murdoch inherited from his father. With that in mind, Fact Check has paid particular attention to the number of Australians who get their news from News Corp, relative to other sources. "[In] a news environment defined by an abundance of information and potential news sources," it said, "there is a divergent view that the influence of outlets should not be defined purely by an examination of what is available and who owns them, but also by what audiences are actually consuming". It is also one of the driving reasons behind James Murdoch's abrupt exit from the board of News Corps parent company on July 31. The company owns seven of Australia's 12 national or capital city dailies (58 per cent), a figure which, for simplicity's sake, excludes weekend papers. 2. [142] In the United States, Murdoch and chief executives from several major corporations, including Hewlett-Packard, Boeing and Disney joined New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to form the Partnership for a New American Economy to advocate "for immigration reform including a path to legal status for all illegal aliens now in the United States". Certainly, News Corp's newspapers dominate the national market for physical newspapers. [93] Murdoch described the day of the committee "the most humble day of my life". International media mogul Rupert Murdoch owns a number of Australia's major capital city newspapers, including The Herald Sun, The Daily Telegraph and The Courier-Mail.His son, Lachlan Murdoch, is a majority shareholder in Nova, Network Ten, 93.7FM and FiveAA. [5] In 1981, Murdoch acquired the struggling Times and Sunday Times from Canadian newspaper publisher Lord Thomson of Fleet. Fact Check has analysed audience data for media accounts on what Canberra University found were the two most popular platforms: Facebook (used by 39 per cent of news consumers ) and YouTube (21 per cent). In its 2019 annual report, the ABC says it reaches 68.3 per cent of the population with its different platforms. It was blocked by the United Kingdom's Competition Commission, which stated that the acquisition would have "hurt competition in the broadcast industry and the quality of British football". The published data for December 2020 shows that, thanks to their significant online audiences, the most popular individual mastheads were Nine's Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. In March 1984, Marvin Davis sold Marc Rich's interest in 20th Century Fox to Murdoch for $250 million due to Rich's trade deals with Iran, which were sanctioned by the US at the time. According to its website, VOZ began producing test data in 2020 which is not yet publicly available. On 8 May 2006, the Financial Times reported that Murdoch would be hosting a fund-raiser for Senator Hillary Clinton's (D-New York) Senate re-election campaign. What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide? But while right-leaning politicians have often aligned with News Corp on policy, there is a fairly long list of left-leaning politicians in the English-speaking world who have attempted to curry favour with Rupert Murdoch to further their leadership ambitions. [150], Murdoch is a strong supporter of Israel and its domestic policies. Cameron chose to take Murdoch's advice, despite warnings from Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Lord Ashdown and The Guardian. As of the afternoon of October 15, the petition had attracted 247,693 signatures. [151] In October 2010, the Anti-Defamation League in New York City presented Murdoch with its International Leadership Award "for his stalwart support of Israel and his commitment to promoting respect and speaking out against anti-Semitism. Mr Murdoch's portfolio of Australiannews media brands stretches from print, radio and pay television to online news, including: These investments fall under the banner of News Corp Australia, whose ultimate owner is the US-based News Corporation, of which Mr Murdoch is executive chairman. It shows that News Corp's seven titles attracted a monthly combined print/digital audience of 13 million people. One thing to consider when measuring reachis that people who consume news from multiple sources will often be counted twice, even in the same dataset. Behind News Corp and the ABC came the websites of Nine Entertainment's and Seven West's television networks. In Queensland, the focus of Mr Rudds campaign, the Public Interest Journalism Initiative'snewsroom mapping projectidentified 16 new local papers. The deal enabled News International to broadcast from Hong Kong to India, China, Japan, and over thirty other countries in Asia, becoming one of the biggest satellite television networks in the east;[5] however, the deal did not work out as Murdoch had planned because the Chinese government placed restrictions on it that prevented it from reaching most of China. However, it's worth highlighting the company's 2018 research that said most digital-platform users "considered online news to be a good adjunct, rather than replacement for 'offline' news". [19][20]:9 He is of English, Irish, and Scottish ancestry. [65] In February 1981, when Murdoch, already owner of The Sun and The News of the World, sought to buy The Times and The Sunday Times, Thatcher's government let his bid pass without referring it to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission, which was usual practice at the time. Read more: FactCheck: does Murdoch own 70% of newspapers in Australia? New York, July 2003). A piece that appeared in this masthead by academic Rodney Tiffen, who has written extensively about Murdoch, says News Corp gains much of its power from the enthusiasm of politicians who indulge it. "Overall, the available evidence suggests that the entrance of digital natives has affected the sources of news that consumers access online," the report said. Murdoch's voting privileges are not transferable but will expire upon his death and the stock will then be controlled solely by his children from the prior marriages, although their half-siblings will continue to derive their share of income from it. "[152][153] However, in April 2021, in a letter to Lachlan Murdoch, its director Jonathan Greenblatt wrote that the ADL would no longer make such an award to his father. National press ABCs", "CC Murdoch pie thrower reportedly blogging from prison", "News Corp.'s Murdoch Faces Six U.K. This was in the immediate context of accusations made by the ADL against Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson and his apparent espousal of the White replacement theory. Murdoch had already started his short-lived National Star[39] newspaper in America, and was seeking to strengthen his political contacts there. How much influence does the Murdoch media have in Australia? This data counts people who read multiple newspapers owned by the same company only once during each four-week period. Across all major and regional dailies the picture would have likely been similar, with the Finkelstein review into media regulation reporting that News Corp accounted for 58 per cent of the nation's daily newspaper circulation in 2011. [34] In 1972, Murdoch acquired the Sydney morning tabloid The Daily Telegraph from Australian media mogul Sir Frank Packer, who later regretted selling it to him. OzTAM(NationalSTV),Consolidated28Data,Weeks1-522020. Newspaper image from Among its wholly-owned stations, ARN's top performer in each city reached between 22 per cent and 29 per cent of people aged 10+, which equated to more than 1 million unique listeners in both Melbourne and Sydney. Front page, 5 August 2013 's campaign took particular issue with Murdoch! West 's television networks platforms '' exception of the committee `` the merry of... Rudds campaign, the ABC says it reaches 16 million Australians each across. 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