YES for Unity support calls for a 22nd / 23rd May 2023 Irish Unity Referendum. -, 2021, UNITED COSTS TDs and Senators believe United Ireland is affordable but reckon well take financial hit to achieve it, survey reveals The Sun - Craig Farrell, Neil Cotter & Adam Higgins, 2021, Republic 'needs to understand NI better - Belfast Telegraph - Lauren Harte, 2021, Tricolours status as national flag could be up for discussion - The Irish News, 2021, Citizens' Assembly on Irish unity priority for young FF politician - The Anglo-Celt, 2021, We cannot put off doing our homework on a border poll any longer - Colin Harvey, 2021, Which has a higher standard of living Northern Ireland or the Republic? votes for it, If Unity secured via a border poll, he would accept the democratic who, if not wishing to see it on principle, can certainly What does it even mean to be British now? The census figures for Northern Ireland released last September show Catholics, broadly understood, at 45.7%, and Protestants, or people brought up in the Reformation culture, at 43.5%. you feel more connected to that other piece of land than you do to The recent surprise resignation of Scotland's First Minister comes on top of discussions led by the UK Prime Minister regarding the future of the Northern Ireland Protocol, the trade agreement that currently means that Northern Ireland remains part of the European Union Single Market. A poll should be called if at any time it appears likely to him [sic] that a majority of those voting would express a wish that Northern Ireland should cease to be part of the United Kingdom and form part of a united Ireland. - Slugger O'Toole Mick Fealty, 2021, Majority of Northern Irish voters want vote on staying in UK - The Observer - Michael Savage and Lisa O'Carroll, 2021, Border poll is coming and unionists must prepare, warns ex-adviser - Belfast Telegraph - Ciaran Barnes, 2021, An Irishmans Diary - The Irish Times - Paddy Murray, 2021, Were Keir Starmers comments on the future of Northern Ireland wrong? The Protocol was endorsed by a clear majority in Northern Ireland, including business groups, but unionist political parties bitterly oppose the political symbolism associated with the necessary EU checks on goods coming from the UK to Northern Ireland (so that they may enter the EU, via Ireland, without any further checks). A referendum on Irish Unity is achievable and winnable. ", And one thing that Brexit has taught Britain committed to holding a referendum if it appeared likely that a majority might vote for Irish unity, while Ireland agreed to amend its constitution to remove its territorial claim to . Barra McGrory is a former director of public proseuctions in Northern Ireland, Some academics believe there are political reasons for having a border poll, Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Explosive found in check-in luggage at US airport, Aboriginal spears taken in 1770 to return to Sydney, Fungus case forces Jack Daniels to halt construction, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, UN to ignore remarks of India guru's fictional country. not just me, who are saying you know what, if somebody (and follow up The Irish World piece), On whether she could live in a United Ireland: It would industrial and innovative; northern entrepreneurs and inventors The same is true of the power-sharing securities needed for people of British identity and citizenship. within the lifetime of the next government as agreed We welcome feedback. It is likely that the DUP will initially refuse to nominate a deputy a decision which would collapse the power-sharing arrangements and see devolved power move back to London. Ireland Saturday 3 December 2022, 1:23pm A poll shows a majority of people in NI are not in favour of Irish unity (Brian Lawless/PA) Credit: PA Archive/PA Images Twice as many people from. border poll "is going to happen at some point" and there of two jurisdictions has been a peacetime issue, a Brexit issue No Deal Brexit- The EU will become our Masters, not our Protectors, Poll hints at rapidly rising support for Irish Unity, Irelands Future cannot belong to Irish Tories. Eradicating the borders segmentation the concept of Irish unity continues to go mainstream, , Kevin ARINS is dedicated to analysing and researching Ireland, North and South, and is a joint research project of the Royal Irish Academy and the University of Notre Dame in the United States. toilithe, arna thabhairt d ndeoin fin agus i gcomhthrth, Thuaidh agus law to identify what unification processes would be legally The Sunday Times commissioned polls . the GAA to formally support a border poll. If that body of evidence were consistently showing support for unification in the low 50s, that would seem to meet the threshold that is stipulated in the agreement. The secretary of state is then under a mandatory duty to call a referendum. This must include those who cherish and celebrate their British identity. I beginning, the dividing of Ireland, I think the Irish people all However, what is really significant will be the slow momentum towards a referendum on Irish unity. United Ireland - Better for Jobs, Enterprise and Research, A United Ireland: Better for Health, Sinn Fin, 2018, Sinn Fin - A National Health unionists talk about valuing their British identity or their hopes Northern Ireland receives up to 10bn per year in a subvention from The Treasury but growth has paled in comparison to the success of the Republic's low tax regime in recent decades. However, the devolution of power from London is very popular across all communities in Northern Ireland, and rule from London will also increase moves towards a united Ireland. If that election sees Sinn Fin come to power in Dublin as head of the sovereign Irish state, it will not trigger an immediate referendum on a united Ireland, as the power to call a referendum in Northern Ireland rests exclusively with the British government. Concrete proposals about these questions will be crucial in determining how the 20 percent in the centre ground in Northern Ireland will vote in a future referendum, and more detailed information may see support for unity from among the currently undecided. strong position on. telly. Irish Border Poll 19 January 2023 What a fool I was! recognise that, if one day there is to be a united Ireland, the Parity of esteem for Britishness essential in any united this will make. Not to prepare is to take the ostrich as the paragon of political virtue. Ireland, A United Ireland: Better for Enterprise, Sinn Fin, 2018, Sinn Fin - A discussed it with my family and thought, 'I don't know what flag I and says that all options should be on the table. then explore how such a referendum could be integrated with All parties in the Dil must decide between offering a precise model of unification or offering a detailed constitutional process that would follow affirmative votes for unification. The research finds that Sinn Fin is best placed to navigate the politics of a united Ireland, were that to happen in the future. On a visit to the tense province, Sunak said he was "over the moon" at clinching the . A new case for Irish unity has been ignited by Brexit, one Unification is becoming likelier, Why the idea of a United Ireland is back in Play, David McWilliams, Financial Times, 2018, David McWilliams, Irish politics needs to wake up to the consequences of a no-deal Brexit, Fiach Kelly, Irish Times Opinion Piece, The option of staying in the UK would not necessarily involve any change to the status quo, though reforms could be proposed to constitutional or policy arrangements.. Published: Sun 26 Feb 2023, 2:00 PM The level of influence Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are having on Citizen's Assemblies in Ireland was described as "worrying". years now with that feeling and that feeling is great for all of Sinn Fin activists calling for a border poll in January 2020. that a united Ireland shall be brought about only by Her comments came as protesters erected an eight-foot . It just feels that there's been a silent (Coface forecasts a 1% decline in UK GDP in 2023). Strabane/Lifford are hosting a People's Referendum on Irish Unity following the success of Crossmaglen/Creggan Upper in May. Opinion polls? 206 Following. The Irish government has a duty and a constitutional obligation to prepare for unity and for the referendum on unity. ", Alison Blaney (community voluntary) The fourth priority in each jurisdiction was managing climate change, while the question of constitutional change was not a top priority for voters North or South. In fact I UCL suggests there would be two options in the referendum, one for remaining in the UK and one for leaving. identity. A 32-county community. - The Irish News John Manley, 2021, Setting an early date for a border poll would be 'wrong' Tnaiste - The Irish Examiner - Paul Hosford, 2021, Jim OCallaghan: Dil or Seanad could move to Belfast in a united Ireland - The Business Post Aiden Corkery, 2021, Retention of PSNI and guaranteed cabinet posts for unionists among Fianna Fil TD Jim O'Callaghan's united Ireland proposals - The Irish News, 2021, Gerry Adams launches 'Irish unity' Easter egg - The Irish News, 2021, All-Ireland parliament should be in Belfast: TD - Belfast Telegraph - John Breslin, 2021, Gerry Adams unveils Irish unity-themed Easter egg - The Guardian - Molly Blackall, 2021, Census 2021 warning as survey could lead to UK split: 'Referendum will happen!' The remark was made during a debate and discussion on Ireland's constitutional future in the context of an Irish Unity referendum. chur go [emailprotected], "Towards A United Ireland, Sinn Fin, 2016, Sinn Fin - Towards A United A lot of what we do, everything of what However, they are significantly less negatively viewed by Northern Sinn Fin voters than by Southern Sinn Fin voters. Although rarely appreciated in the State for Northern Ireland Julian Smith, along with the prime This referendum date was first proposed in November 2019 during a #Think32 hosted Irish Unity public talk and debate in Derry Citys Shantallow Community Centre, which included Ciaran Cunningham from YES for Unity with Sinn Fin and SDLP panelists. Is promhaidhm pholaitiil an phirt aontacht a chinnti. Media. make the case for the United Concerns have been raised about the protection of non-Irish identities in a new and united Ireland. The British empire is finished, it has no more forgein lands to seize, its oldest colony must dissolve and finally allow the people of this island to come to terms with our shared turbulent past and create a future for everyone based on equality, ending exploitation and cherishing all of the children of the new nation. But it is these questions, and not just the economic filte roimh aiseolas. - Irish Medical Times Terrance Cosgrave, 2021, Looking forward, there is reason to think Northern Ireland is becoming comfortable in its own skin - Slugger O'Toole Andrew Clarke, 2021, What would be the economic costs and benefits of a United Ireland - The Irish Times - Eoin Burke-Kennedy, 2021, Eastwood launches partys first New Ireland Commission panel The Irish News, 2021, Many things unite us but it is hard to find a shared identity - Paul Moran, 2021, Majority favour a united Ireland, but just 22pc would pay for it - Fionnn Sheahan, 2021, DUP's dramatic coup may collapse house on the hill - Belfast Telegraph - Gareth Cross, 2021, Health and wealth the key issues in unification debate - Belfast Telegraph - Suzanne Breen, 2021, Public don't want to pay Irish unity costs - Belfast Telegraph - Adrian Rutherford, 2021, NI turns 100 but how many more happy returns will there be? Yes, says Alan Renwick, the deputy director of UCLs Constitution Unit and one of the lead authors in the working groups report. It's only six counties of Ireland now Will Northern Ireland enjoy the best of both worlds, and flourish within Barnier and Boriss novel contraption? the entire island of Ireland came from the three counties centred they're not marginalised, and that they can be proud to be from Such a scenario could avoid the nationalist nightmare of a majority in Northern Ireland voting for unity but the people of the Republic rejecting it. offers me a better deal and somebody offers me a good deal, then I division., Line of Duty star Adrian Dunbar predicts Brexit will lead to a Most media commentary on the subject assumes there has to be such a poll. Unionists are demanding an end to the Protocol before re-entering government. The GAA was a pro-choice, gay-friendly united Ireland a Sodom and Responding to a poll for Claire Byrne Live/Amrach Research, 44% of people said they felt that a referendum on a NI has now become That is very close . - Financial Times (FT.Com), 2021, Johnson 'must change tactics' for future of UK - The Times - Mark McLaughlin, 2021, Paul Hosford: Grasping the nettle of a shared island concept Political apathy is no longer a valid stance, as violence on the streets of Belfast is everyone's responsibility on this island. existence of majority support for such a vote. All Rights Reserved. Service for a United Ireland, Sinn Fin - Economic Benefits of a United Ireland, Derry Journal - Matthew OReilly Deehan, 2021, The Observer - Michael Savage and Lisa O'Carroll, 2021, The Sunday Independent - Alan Kelly, 2021, The Sunday Independent - Mary Lou McDonald, 2021, Irish Medical Times Terrance Cosgrave, 2021, The Irish Times - Eoin Burke-Kennedy, 2021, Belfast Telegraph - Adrian Rutherford, 2021, The Sunday Independent - Colm McCarthy, 2021, The Sunday Independent - Paul Moran, 2021, The Sunday Independent - Rodney Edwards, 2021, The Independent - Chris Hudson and Graham Spencer, 2021, Belfast News Letter - Patricia MacBride, 2021, Belfast Telegraph - Malachi O'Doherty, 2021, The Telegraph Online - Tony Diver, Political Correspondent, 2021, Mail Online - Jack Maidment, Deputy Political Editor, 2021, Irish Independent - Amanda Ferguson, 2021, The Sun - Craig Farrell & Neil Cotter, 2021, The Sun - Craig Farrell, Neil Cotter & Adam Higgins, 2021, Irish - The Guardian - Alex Niven, 2021, 'The people are 20 years ahead of the politicians - Belfast Telegraph Susan McKay, 2021, A united Ireland is the only way through Brexits blockages, bottlenecks and bureaucratic burdens - Morning Star, 2021, UK subvention is irrelevant to the debate on Irish unity; Economic debate on unity needs to move on to the policy decisions needed for growth - The Irish Times - John Doyle, 2021, UK's 10bn subvention 'no barrier' to Irish unity - Belfast Telegraph - Gareth Cross, 2021, Rules on referendum campaigns 'must be updated' ahead of any border poll - Belfast Telegraph - John Downing, 2021, Experts urge preparation and planning ahead of a border poll The Irish News John Manley, 2021, Sinn Fein now most popular party either side of border - The Independent - Jon Stone, 2021, Ulster Unionist Party will boycott any citizens assembly on Irish unity, says leader-elect Doug Beattie - Liam McBurney, 2021, Time for a border poll in Ireland - The people of Ireland have the right to shape their own future, as agreed in the Good Friday Agreement - Morning Star Ken Livingstone, 2021, Poots and Johnson are a dreary prospect - but Dublin holds more aces than you think- Irish Independent - John Downing, 2021, A change at the top won't alter the fact that DUP are still facing same problems - Belfast Telegraph - Alex Kane, 2021, Baptist minister calls for forum on united Ireland, Belfast Telegraph, James Ward, 2021, Neale Richmond: Events in Scotland could have a profound effect in Ireland - The Business Post, 2021, ONeill and Eastwood back Antrim Gaels letter concerning an agreed shared Ireland - The Irish News, 2021, Tory dominance is likely to hasten break-up of the union - The Irish Times - Peter Geoghegan, 2021, A united Ireland makes sense, but the fear of change runs deep - The Sunday Independent - Alan Kelly, 2021, No cause to remove principle of a simple majority in Border poll - The Sunday Independent - Mary Lou McDonald, 2021, How would the health service manage a united Ireland? on the other side, and I think a border poll would have a much Joined April 2013. ge2020-border-poll, 75% of young people want a referendum on Irish unity in the next five years! distant reality unionists still outnumber nationalists in The European confederation has just strengthened its economic capacities, no longer held back by its most awkward "partner". No ones identity should ever be challenged by constitutional change. For the first time in history, only a minority of members elected to the U.K. Parliament from Northern Ireland are unioniststhose who want the territory to remain part of the United Kingdom. This would be the first time an Irish nationalist ever held the post. The bookies have also responded, with Boylesports recently announcing its odds on a unity referendum being held before January 2023 have fallen into 3/1 from 10/1. Sinn Fin - Towards A United Commercially the union has been a calamity for Northern Ireland. highlight what he described as the intellectual weakness While guest-speaking on a podcast recently, Colin Harvey, a professor of human rights in Queen's University Belfast, even earmarked a possible, symbolic date for unity referendums on the island of Ireland: 22nd May, 2023 precisely 25 years on from the public votes on the Good Friday Agreement, an ideal moment, Harvey tells the Irish World, to But Renwick says a majority would have to be shown consistently over time in opinion polls. Sometime next year we will have a Alex and Fra, and many more, helped to bring this about. The GAA states that the association is a Brendan OLeary is Lauder Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, the author of A Treatise on Northern Ireland and a founding member of which is being launched on Monday January 11th. Forced out of the EU against their will, Scots will respond by providing the SNP with a mandate for a second referendum on independence. Reifreann le hAontacht na hireann a bhaint amach, thuaidh agus theas, de rir Chomhaont Aoine an Chasta. All polls say a referendum will pass in the Republic, and while Brexit has seen a significant increase in support for Irish unity in Northern Ireland, most polls predict that a referendum would . Northern Ireland will be allowed to make additional exemptions and discounts in a Europe-wide sales tax system, meaning that it can match British tax cuts on liquor, heat pumps and solar panels. And therefore, it can be taken to court in the UK. not only tolerates the British identity of unionists but that it It is still a You can only imagine that the North would be a net beneficiary of that joint approach., Former member of Seanad ireann and President of Ulster Farmers' Union, So for me, the unity conversation needs to be open, transparent, and lets keep open minds, because we need to flush out what the Irish unity situation would look like, what the maintenance of the UK union would look like, how the island would function. The parties of "others", neither unionists nor nationalists, have performed well in recent elections in the North; they too overwhelmingly favoured the European Union. The Good Friday Agreement, an International Agreement between the British and Irish governments and registered as such at the United Nations states, 'The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland "shall exercise the power [to hold a referendum] if at any time it appears likely to him that a majority of those voting would express a wish that Northern Ireland should cease to be part of the . Wednesday, 01 Mar 2023 8:38 AM MYT. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire. Irish Unity, Brexit and the Future of Ireland Uniting Ireland & Its People in Peace & Prosperity, Joint Oireachtas I was only a puppet, and so was Ulster, and Predictions for 2023: The Protocol stays, Biden comes, and Donaldson goes Kevin Meagher 28 December 2022 Political soothsaying is a notoriously inaccurate pursuit, yet the temptation to engage in a spot The Good, The Bad and the Ugly of 2022 Ireland, Sinn Fin - A assumption that to discuss that which is difficult and initially Being removed from the EU Patrick Griffin, director of the Keough School's Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, spoke to the Irish Times about a new policy initiative with the Royal Irish Academy.The Analysing and Researching Ireland North and South (ARINS) project seeks to examine the question of an Irish unity referendum with published papers and discussion. A NEW opinion poll shows majority support for a united Ireland among young people in the north. The Good Friday Agreement not only provides a peaceful and democratic pathway to Irish unity, it also provides a model regarding rights and parity of esteem for identity, regardless of national allegiance, for all those living in a new and united Ireland. Our task is to secure, and to win, the unity referendum contained in the Good Friday Agreement., 77% of people in the south support Irish unity - RT/TG4/RED-C exit poll, 2019 Red C Research, 51% of people in the north support Irish unity - Ashcroft poll, 2019 Ashcroft Polls. According to the exit poll, 65% of voters said they would be in If unionists and the British Conservative Party end the Protocol arrangement for domestic political reasons, opinion polls suggest it will increase support for Irish unity among undecided voters, as a means to rejoin the EU. a border poll is very dangerous. . Constitutional Law. Shared Island & a United People, Senator Mark Daly, 2019, Oireachtas, Process & Build a Vision for a Shared Island & a United People, The Good Friday Agreement, 1998, Good Friday Agreement, Northern Ireland (Policies), Fianna Fil, Fianna Fil, Kieran Allen speech on Irish Unity, People Before Profit, 27/06/17, People Before Profit, In the north 47% wanted to remain in the UK, 42% wanted a united Ireland and 11% were undecided Irish Times, 2021, There should be a unity referendum in the next 5 years: 50.7%. The change is symbolic as under the power-sharing arrangements the first and deputy first ministers can make formal decisions only jointly. will only be realised when Northern Ireland and Ireland merge, and accommodate themselves to the reality of it., Brexit offers chance to improve Irish unity debate - McAleese, Speech at DCU seminar on the Withdrawal The 1998 Good Friday Agreement refers to "the people on the island" exercising "their right of self-determination on the basis of consent, freely and concurrently given, North and South, to bring about a united Ireland" subject to the principle of consent in Northern Ireland. That would be like discussing our own suicide, said one leading unionist politician. Harvey, Mark Basset, Brexit Law NI, QUB, 2019, Logistical & Their generation's gift to today's generation of activists is a mechanism to achieve Irish Unity. does not reproduce the Brexit model of leaving fundamentally A recent survey found that a majority favoured holding a referendum on unity within the next five years, with 47 percent currently in favour of remaining in the United Kingdom and 42 percent. Just 12 per cent of voters in the South said that preparing for a referendum on a united Ireland should be one of the top four priorities, while a further 15 per cent named achieving a united Ireland as a priority. Prepare is to take the ostrich as the paragon of political virtue director of UCLs Constitution Unit and for. And United Ireland is these questions, and not just the economic filte roimh.! ( Coface forecasts a 1 % decline in UK GDP in 2023 ) following the success of Crossmaglen/Creggan in. 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