Here you will see a percentage that indicates the health of your battery. Youre also able to find access to additionalsupport articles. ")}return("string"===t?String:Number)(e)}(e,"string");return"symbol"==typeof t?t:String(t)}(E))in A?Object.defineProperty(A,E,{value:x,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):A[E]=x;var T={SUPPORTABILITY_METRIC:"sm",CUSTOM_METRIC:"cm"}},2484:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";r.d(t,{t:()=>n});const n=r(2325).D.pageViewEvent},5637:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";r.r(t),r.d(t,{Instrument:()=>h});var n,i,o,a=r(9252),s=r(2053),c=r(8283),u=r(6625),d=r(6114),f=r(2650),l=r(2484),g=r(2325),p=r(2374);class h extends d.S{constructor(e,t){let r=! 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Find your password. "),t)}}(this.recordSupportability.bind(this))}eachSessionChecks(){,g.bP)("pageshow",(e=>{e.persisted&&this.recordSupportability("Generic/BFCache/PageRestored")}))}}A=O,E="featureName",x=w.t,(E=function(e){var t=function(e,t){if("object"!=typeof e||null===e)return e;var r=e[Symbol.toPrimitive];if(void 0!==r){var,t||"default");if("object"!=typeof n)return n;throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value. Keep track of your home energy in real-time with one app: solar production, energy monitoring*, EV charging, battery, and more. display: inline !important; The app also measures your battery numbers compared to other Tesla's similar to yours to give you an idea of how your battery's health stacks up. img.wp-smiley, You can launch the app to view an animated display of live data (updated every 10 seconds while it's open), or add a complication to your watch face so that you always . ");R[e]=new s(t,C(e)),(0,i.Qy)(e,R[e],"runtime")}function B(e){return function(e){try{const t=d(e);return!!t.licenseKey&&!!t.errorBeacon&&! [CDATA[ */ ("init"in NREUM&&"page_view_timing"in NREUM.init&&"enabled"in NREUM.init.page_view_timing&&NREUM.init.page_view_timing.enabled===!1)){var o,a=n("handle"),f=n("loader"),c=NREUM.o.EV;if("PerformanceObserver"in window&&"function"==typeof window.PerformanceObserver){o=new PerformanceObserver(r);try{o.observe({entryTypes:["paint"]})}catch(u){}}if("addEventListener"in document){var s=!1,p=["click","keydown","mousedown","pointerdown","touchstart"];p.forEach(function(n){document.addEventListener(n,i,!1)})}}},{}],3:[function(n,e,t){function r(n,e){if(!i)return!1;if(n!==i)return!1;if(!e)return!0;if(!o)return!1;for(var t=o.split("."),r=e.split(". Tesla provides the Tesla app for system monitoring and does not provide desktop or web-based monitoring. This is a Tesla Powerwall monitoring app, for iPhone and Apple Watch. window.location.reload(); if( === 0) { (l[m]("DOMContentLoaded",o,!1),d[m]("load",r,!1)):(l[v]("onreadystatechange",i),d[v]("onload",r)),c("mark",["firstbyte",f],null,"api");var x=0,O=n(6)},{}],"wrap-function":[function(n,e,t){function r(n){return! [REACTION]. #text-60 .ct-sub-w-title{color:#FFFFFF !important; background:#FF0000 !important}Support the Show border: none !important; var player; videopro_allow_next = true; The Tesla app puts owners in direct communication with their vehicles and energy products anytime, anywhere. Atendimento em Mato Grosso. With this app, you can: - Check charging progress in real time and start or stop charging - Heat or cool your car before driving - even if it's in a garage - Lock or unlock from afar })(document, window, '', 'fathom'); Connecting to Tesla Gateway and Powerwall+ | Tesla Support Connecting to Tesla Gateway and Powerwall+ If you lose internet or cellular connection, view instructions on how you can monitor your system's power flow and charge level via web browser by connecting to your Gateway or Powerwall+. does the lock icon mean lock (verb) or locked (the state?) If you experience issues resetting your password,contact us. Monitor Your Tesla Battery with This App! ","confirm_delete_playlist":"You are about to delete a playlist. The Gateway connects to your home network via an Ethernet cable and communicates with your solar inverter wirelessly. }; display:block; Currently supports Model S, Model X and now Model 3 and Model Y vehicles! 'onReady': onPlayerReady, #videopro_social_accounts-5 .ct-sub-w-title{color:#FFFFFF !important; background:#FF0000 !important}Join the Convo .primary-header .cactus-logo.navigation-font a img{ opacity:0; visibility:hidden} Apps. }img.gform_ajax_spinner{background:url(;}.bg-m-color-1,,, input[type=button].bt-style-1:visited:not(:hover), input[type=submit].bt-style-1:visited:not(:hover), .btn-default.subscribe, .cactus-nav-style-3 .cactus-only-main-menu .cactus-main-menu > ul > li:hover > a:after, .cactus-nav-style-5 .cactus-open-left-sidebar.right-logo.cactus-main-menu > ul > li > > span, .ct-sub-w-title, .slider-toolbar-carousel .entry-content:before, .cactus-post-format-playlist, .channel-menu a:after, .easy-tab .tabs > > a:after, .body-content .vc_tta.vc_general .vc_tta-tab.vc_active:after, .submitModal .textwidget .wpcf7 input[type="submit"]:not(:hover), .comming-soon-wrapper .wpcf7-form input[type="submit"]:not(:hover), #body-wrap .comming-soon-wrapper .gform_wrapper .gform_footer input.button:not(:hover), #body-wrap .comming-soon-wrapper .gform_wrapper .gform_footer input[type=submit]:not(:hover), .ct-shortcode-sliderv3.sliderv10 .slick-dots > li > button:hover, .ct-shortcode-sliderv3.sliderv10 .slick-dots > li.slick-active > button, .tab-control, .ct-shortcode-sliderv3.sliderv8,,, input[type=button].bt-style-1:not(:hover), input[type=submit].bt-style-1:not(:hover),,, input[type=button].bt-style-1:visited:not(:hover), input[type=submit].bt-style-1:visited:not(:hover),.cactus-nav-style-3 .cactus-only-main-menu .cactus-main-menu > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a:after, .cactus-nav-style-3 .cactus-only-main-menu .cactus-main-menu > ul > li.current-menu-item > a:after, .cactus-nav-style-3 .cactus-only-main-menu .cactus-main-menu > ul > li:hover > a:after,.item-review:before,.star-rating-block:before, .cactus-header-search-form .widget-asf .searchtext .suggestion ul a,.cactus-header-search-form .widget-asf .searchtext .suggestion ul li a:hover, .btn-watch-later.added, #video_thumbnail_image .ct-icon-video.animated{background-color:#e2273d;}.m-color-1, body .wpcf7-response-output.wpcf7-mail-sent-ok, #body-wrap .gform_wrapper .validation_message,.item-review .box-text .score,.star-rating-block .rating-summary-block .rating-stars, .tml-profile-page .menu-items {color:#e2273d;} .border-m-color-1, .cactus-main-menu > ul > li > ul li:first-child, .slider-toolbar-carousel .entry-content .picture-content > a:before {border-color:#e2273d}.svg-loading svg path, .svg-loading svg rect {fill:#e2273d;}body,.tooltip,.content-font{font-family:"Roboto";}body,.tooltip,.content-font,.gallery-item,.cactus-nav-left > *:not(.navigation-font),.cactus-nav-right > *:not(.navigation-font),footer .cactus-container > .cactus-row > *, .cactus-post-item,footer .footer-info .link #menu-footer-menu li, .cactus-post-item > .entry-content > *,.comments-area .comment-author > *,.submitModal .cat > .row > *,.login-to-vote .login-msg,.ct-shortcode-iconbox > *, > *, > *,.widget-asf .searchtext .suggestion,.wp-pagenavi > *,.cat-listing li{font-size:16px;}@media(max-width:1024px){.cactus-sidebar.ct-medium > .cactus-sidebar-content > *, .no-results.not-found .page-content{font-size:16px;}}@media(max-width:767px){#header-navigation .cactus-nav-control .cactus-header-search-form form input:not([type="submit"]),#header-navigation .cactus-nav-control .cactus-header-search-form form input:not([type="submit"]):focus{font-size:18px;}}.body-content figure.wp-caption .wp-caption-text,.comments-area .comment-awaiting-moderation,.submitModal .modal-body .wpcf7-form .note,#asf-search-filters > .filter-item,#asf-search-filters > .filter-item.tags-items > *,#asf-search-filters > .active-filter-items > *,.cactus-tooltip .tooltip-info{font-size:14px;}.cactus-submit-video a{background-color:###D9251D !important;color:###ffffff !important;}.cactus-submit-video a:hover{background-color:###999999 !important;color:###ffffff !important;} playsinline: 1 }, "/Module":"/Classic"))}function o(t,r){e("Workers/".concat(r,"/SM/Unsupported")),(0,h.Z)("NR Agent: Unable to capture ".concat(r," workers. 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